On Being Well

Happy New Year! (I think we get to say that for the whole month of January, right?)

Beginning a new year is a great time to set out some goals for yourself. People have lots of opinions about resolutions, but they aren’t the only way to orient yourself toward the future. Often it’s helpful to take some time reflecting on what has worked and what hasn’t worked. Goals don’t have to be BIG! Sometimes, a small shift in your routine or perspective can make a large difference in your life. My encouragement to you is that in all your goal setting, don’t forget to include your mental health and wellness on your list. In my consultation work with churches I often work to remind leaders that mental health and wellness should be a part of the way we understand what it means to be spiritually whole. Our thoughts, emotions, and relationships are intrinsically connected to the way we understand God and our relationship to the church. So, what is good mental health? For me, mental wellness encompasses the following components:

  • awareness and management of emotions

  • healthy and fulfilling relationship

  • recognition and management of stress

  • positive sense of self

Seems simple right? Take a minute and reflect: are you attending to all these areas of your life? Does the ebb and flow of your daily schedule make room for you to make work through your feelings , manage your stress, and enjoy your relationships? Is your view of yourself mostly good? If the answer is “No” to any of these questions, now you have a starting point for some goals you can set for yourself. Remember, goals don’t have to be big. Start small! One of the things that I know helps me to manage my emotions is journaling and I’m usually pretty inconsistent with it. So this year, I’ve committed to spending 5 minutes journaling, 3 times a week. 15 minutes that I can commit to myself each week, because I’m worth at least that much. We are only two weeks into the year and guess what? The past two weeks I’ve journaled more days and more time than that! But, I’m motivated because the goal was manageable!

What can you do for yourself this year that will support your own health and wellness? What’s a small step you can take that will make a difference in your life? Start today!

p.s. I have exciting news! My book comes out in April! It’s called Making SPACE at the Well, and it’s about how churches can honor and respect the mental wellness of everyone who walks through the doors. Stay tuned for more info, and be sure to subscribe at Drjessicabrown.com so you don’t miss an update!